Welcome to
Trikaya Wellness
“If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down.”
– Budhha
Healing is a personal journey. But when challenges are harder than you expect, you may need guidance to open those bright windows of light, hope and joy.
At Trikaya Wellness, you will be introduced to holistic healing modalities that help you identify the reasons for your emotional and physical pain, lack of self-confidence or repeated failures. We will steer you on to change regressive patterns from your past, manage your stress and anxiety, and recreate a happier, healthier ‘you’.
Let us join you on your journey of healing today.

Upcoming Events
The Sessions and events offered/conducted are tailored to address specific requirements of the group based on the type of service sought.
You are most welcome to join and experience the healing sessions conducted at Trikaya. You can find out more on the next scheduled event by clicking on the "check all events" tab below.

Services We Offer
We offer customised holistic healing programs for individuals, families, and professional groups, helping with stress and pain management, improved mental health, relationship enhancement and goal achievement, among others.
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